Hi, I'm Samantha Day

I have developed this program out of passion for helping women recognize their strengths. I believe everyone has an inner power and with minimal effort we can create micro shifts which in time, add up to massive changes we want in our lives. I provide holistic coaching focusing on nourishing the mind, body and soul.

I have an educational background in; Human services, Criminal Justice, Psychology, personal training and nutrition. I have always had a passion for enriching the lives of women and those who identify with the LGBTQA2S+ community.

After leaving home at 13 and becoming a mother before the age of 16, I felt stuck in my body. I knew nothing about nutrition or fitness, which is where the 10+ years of my eating disorder began.

With years of studying, crying, failing and rising, I can now say that I am living proof of what can be achieved with the proper mindset.

My my vision is to help women like me, who didn't have a safe and happy childhood. It is only normal to adapt to our environment, and oftentimes adapting means survival mode.

After so many years of only surviving, we aren't capable of seeing our potential and worth. The trauma creates limiting beliefs that hold us back from speaking up and voicing our dreams. Voicing your dreams is the first step to creating a life you can't wait to wake up to.

I help women level up in their professional and personal lives. There is absolutely no reason anyone should settle long-term at a shit job that only creates unnecessary stress. Time to get fucking clear on what it is you want out of your life.

"Would you like to wake up 15 years down the road, being in the same situation you are in today?"





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